Chris in Game mode!

Monday, April 5, 2010
Yay for new posts!
Hello my loyal followers (I realize that you may be dropping like flies due to my lack of updates)!
We have a few new things to share:
- The salon renovation is finally done...well almost. Chris generously volunteered his spring break to run our salon renovation. The results are fantastic. We are so grateful to everyone who helped make this project a success. Among the highlights of the remodel were the Hyde family's help (go Garrett!) with the demolition, Nana and Papa Homer's generous donation for our awesome new space-age hairdryers, Justin's amazing front desk that he built from our recycled cabinets, Chris' school buddies who installed a beautiful slate backsplash And Brent's handiwork installing the new "featherweight" sinks. We still have a few "tidying up" projects, but we love to see the progress of the hard work that went into my second home. Once again, thanks to all who volunteered time, money, skills and baby sitting services.
- Kate had six month pictures taken last month. Nevermind that she is now eight months! We are always a day late and a dollar short these days, but we are LOVING Miss Kate and all of her new tricks. She surprised us with two bottom teeth last month...she never even uttered a complaint so, it would come as no surprise that one morning we woke up and there they were. She rolls back and forth to position herself for whatever she wants (or just yells at me to get it for her, whichever is easiest), claps, dances and says MaMa. She is Soooooooo much fun!
- I published an article about cupcakes for a new online magazine dedicated to Southern Utah. I have always wanted to write and I got a little taste (pardon the pun) this week. I may be writing a little more for them in the future and I had a lot of fun with the experience. You can check out my article at, it is posted under the section entitled "Taste."
- Chris is busy with school, spring football meetings, drivers ed and training for his Salt Lake century ride that is coming up in May. I think he has found a new passion...cycling! He hasn't forgotten about fishing, but if he can't make it to the river, the open road is a fair consolation.
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